Although these actions of women supporting other women during pregnancy and birth goes back to the dawn of time.
More people now are opting for a doula to support their journey.
Everyone has an idea of how they see their “perfect” birth and that can be so different from person to person. You make the choices that feel right for you. The doula is there for you…
As a doula I support you to trust your intuition and listen to your body’s natural rhythms and if to facilitate calm you choose a medical setting rather than, for instance “at home” I will be there. The calmness those decisions bring about is the key! However your baby arrives, if you feel that that choice was yours, the mental, emotional aspect of that is huge for your post natal journey.
Thank you for this post created by Developing Doulas…
As a doula I support you to trust your intuition and listen to your body’s natural rhythms and if to facilitate calm you choose a medical setting rather than, for instance “at home” I will be there. The calmness those decisions bring about is the key! However your baby arrives, if you feel that that choice was yours, the mental, emotional aspect of that is huge for your post natal journey.
Where does your journey with a doula begin?…
Whenever you are ready!
❤️Forming a connection at the earlier stages gains trust and allows the doula to get to know you.
❤️Knowing that you feel heard….Is this person someone you can talk to? Will they hold space for you?
Supporting your journey….
What services do I offer?
Preparing for the journey
Putting yourself in the best space for the journey ahead. Sessions that discuss your thoughts and fears.
Maybe getting pregnant hasn’t happened yet for whatever reason or there has been loss in your journey and you’re not sure how to move forward.
Working with these very real emotions energetically can help you prepare and move forward.
Services that may benefit…
Bach Flower remedies
Space therapy sessions
(See website for details)
Information sessions tailored for you and your needs.
Formulating a “your choices” plan for your birthing will help a doula support you during the times you have other things to concentrate on ensuring that you are heard.
Signposting information and connections for your support.
I will be on call for three weeks over your 40 week date if you have decided that the support of a doula would be beneficial for you.
Post natal
I am available for sessions tailored for your needs…Maybe support in the first few days or weeks is valuable to you.
This is also available to you if pregnancy was not an option for you but would like support during the early days of your baby being at home with you.