I’m am excited to be offering my Energy well-being services with the addition of Kinesiology muscle testing techniques in 2025…
As an addition to my Energy work I am now using Kinesiology muscle testing techniques to support my clients.
This is a fully (but comfortably) clothed treatment that involves lying on a therapy bed whilst various muscles are tested to allow the body the space to “talk to us!” Letting us know how the imbalances can be supported.
Initial sessions are approximately 1.5 hours and subsequent sessions around 1 hour.
A session using Kinesiology techniques is suitable and beneficial for everyone.
This modality allows me to draw from all the techniques that I already use for client support, in one unique session…
Kinesiology is a unique holistic therapy asking the body as a whole and what it needs…
Structurally, Chemically, Emotionally and Energetically.
With its foundations firmly built on Chinese medicine, Kinesiology also embraces chiropractic elements of muscle testing and Energy work.
Our bodies are amazing at looking after us, even when pushed to its limits. It will absorb everything we experience but if not addressed, eventually will get our attention, as PAIN or DISCOMFORT.
Anytime your body is showing you pain or discomfort, Physically, Mentally or Emotionally, Kinesiology is a kind gentle but effective way of returning it back to balance.
Alternatively it can be used as a regular well-being session allowing the body to maintain
If your body hi lights the need for structural adjustments there are a variety of techniques to address this. Normally in this case there is pain already present in the body.
Using the gentle and effective Bach Flower remedies and supporting techniques enabling connection and release of the heavy emotions we hold onto allowing us to feel lighter, calm and more peaceful.
If you body shows that there is some nutrition or supplementary needs even for a short period, recommendations can be made based on what your body is showing.

This can also include, if relevant Food sensitivity testing.
Also called energetic. Our electrical systems will be affected seemingly without visual acknowledgement. When our energy is affected It can certainly be felt. Everyone will know this feeling. Not everyone will know what to do about it.
Kinesiology can address this.
What is Kinesiology?
