We have all lived many lives, within this life. Always recreating ourselves and evolving.
(With the permission of this beautiful lady) This picture below is from a former life of mine as a Hairdresser… and has always, for me captured the essence of the energy a wedding day holds.

These past lives we have all build and support us in our new lives going forward. As a hairdresser I would..
✨Have preparation time prior.
✨Arrive promptly on the day. Fully armed with everything I needed and more.😁
✨Support the running of the morning.
✨Calm Nerves and alleviate tension.
✨Wipe tears away
✨I’ve even dressed the bride and tied Bow ties for Fathers.
Little did I know that was all preparation for being a celebrant…
Being prepared is the key…And being the confident supportive person for the Happy couple on a day is key.
All the years working with people, being a supportive caring person. Enjoying multi tasking (even if I’m paddling underneath!🦆) Make up the skills I have in my tool bag now to be a Celebrant.
Did you know that with an Independant Celebrant you can host a wedding celebration anywhere?*

The beautiful setting above was from my Sons wedding in Sorrento (yes, I can be persuaded to travel with you!… Who wouldn’t!😂)
*The official documents have to be adhered to in any country to the law of the land. With these in hand you are free to choose….
If you would like a no obligation chat about your plans for your special day then please contact me.. 😘
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