Julie Boseley
Holistic Teacher & Therapist
Julie Boseley
Hi! My name is Julie and I am a Holistic Teacher, Practitioner and Birth Doula. My interest is Energy! Everything in the world is made up of energy, including us. As energy, everything we think, say and do has an effect on us and the world about us. This energy can become blocked or “stuck” creating disharmony on all levels, within ourselves and in our external world.
Our bodies have the ability to heal in the state of deep relaxation. Supported by holistic practices and natural remedies our bodies are able to find this place of peace allowing the body to release blocked energy that can create disharmony in the physical, mental and emotional. My Journey into the Holistic world has led me down many paths for my personal support and in experiencing the benefits now passing that forward, in treatments, courses and with support as a Birth Doula.