Moving forward into this year!
Trusting you had all had the christmases you had planned this year.
I wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for all of the support you have given me in the year we have left behind.
For all of you who are thinking of the changes you may want to put in place for yourselves this year I wanted to share a brief overview of the services and courses that I offer and dates for the next years Mind Body Spirit shows.
Reiki Energy send/Absentee healing
Email or text me. This is a free service for times in your life when you feel you need support.
Reiki Share
Dates to be confirmed
(Face to Face- Abbeymead)
Any one who is energy attuned may attend. There is no cost for this event. A donation to charity is optional.
The session begins with a guided relaxation and collective energy send to all on the healing list.
Usui Reiki courses
Level 1 course 5th and 6th Feb 2022. A place is still available
Level 1-The beginning of the journey. Any one can be attuned to the Reiki Energy. This level is about finding out how the energy works for you and using the energy in the present. You may practice on family and friends at this level. (No previous experience required)
Level 2-(course requirements are to be attuned to level one)
Is a continuation of your journey of awareness. Teaching you the ancient Japanese symbols to use for “absentee healing” also known by “sending energy.” To events in your life that may be holding you back from realising your full potential and to use as a tool to send energy to others who need support. This level is also the practitioner level (also see The Reiki Business Course if you are thinking of setting up in practice)
Level 3 (Course requirements are to be attuned at level 1 and 2)
Master level-This is the level of “self-Mastery.” At this level you are introduced to the Master symbol. Realising the potential of the energy to support you as a personal tool and helping release situations in your life that are stuck/holding you back.
Level 4 Master Teacher Level- (Course requirements are to be attuned at all 3 levels of Reiki. This level is for those who having completed all three previous levels and feel drawn to passing on the light to others. At this level the journey can take up to two years and with regular supported one to one sessions, take your own healing to another level and learn the practicals of running your own classes etc.
If you have are not already one of my students, you may still book on a course after a coaching session to ensure that all th necessary essential knowledge is in place at the previous levels.
Reiki Business Course-Thinking of setting up in practice with Reiki? This course is about using Reiki to support you and acknowledging your intuitive thoughts to support you with/and as well as the practicals of setting up a business
Reiki Coaching
Anyone who is attuned to the energy may benefit from these sessions.
The sessions are about supporting you to trust your intuition and support yourself with the energy on a daily basis. Occasionally we find ourselves feeling stuck or going around in circles with situations. Theses one to one sessions will support you with your awareness.
New course for 2022
Working with your own energy. Becoming aware of your energy and how it is affected by others, situations etc. learning how to protect and replenish your energy.
Support/Holistic sessions
Reiki Treatment
“The language of your body” sessions
These sessions introduce to you the concept of listening to your bodies “language”
In these busy times it is easy to not notice and acknowledge the subtleties that are our emotions until our bodies then get our attention through physical pain. These sessions support your awareness of those subtle emotions as an ongoing technique to address the emotions and eliminate pain.
Vibrational Tuning forks
Rebalancing the bodies natural vibrations to support compromised physicality’s
Chakra clearing-To support your main energy centres releasing blockages.
Spiritual life coach
Sessions with the space to be you. Active listening sessions supporting you with all life situations whilst learning to acknowledge where your intuition will guide and support you.
Bach Flower Remedies
Sessions spent acknowledging your current emotions and identifying Remedies to support you on a daily basis. Included in the session price is a Bach mix bottle.
Bach and you
Sessions supporting your learning journey with the remedies.
(Will require you purchasing your own Full set of Bach Remedies and Support material)
Intuitive Hypnotherapy
Valuable support when you decide to make changes in your life and/or wish to release past traumas that may be holding you back from achieving your full potential in this life
Past Life (or parallel life) session
Either an explorative session for curiosity (allowing your mind to relax and learning to trust where your intuition takes you) or a full session to identify and release past traumas and attachments that may be affecting your progress in this life.
Supportive sessions allowing space and time for you. Acknowledging what is going on for you and developing tools to support you going forward.
Mind Body Spirit shows
Every year I participate in these show events. A collection of products and therapists from all areas of holistic and spiritual practices.
So far this year I have signed up for;
Churchdown (community centre) 29th January 2022
Gloucester (The Guildhall) 2nd April 2022
Cheltenham (The Pumprooms) 5th June 2022
Cirencester (Bingham Hall) 30th October 2022
And will add more as we progress into the year.
These events are held across the southwest so there will always be one near you!
All of my courses and sessions may be paid for in instalments up to the course/appointment (t&c’s apply)
I work from locations in Cheltenham and Gloucester.
I am fully DBS checked 😀